Posts Tagged ‘pottery’
New Pottery Bowls
Friday, October 21st, 2011Pottery Bird Art Pendants
Wednesday, August 3rd, 2011My new pottery bird art pendants on Etsy! These are inspired by those funky 70’s articulated owl pendants that are once again all the rage. Will I make an owl pendant? Not sure, but I have a ton of other birds to make before I get there.
You can buy the Meadowlark here:

You can buy the Northern Flicker (Red-shafted) here:

And my favorite – you can buy the female Belted Kingfisher here:

Peacock Pottery
Monday, June 27th, 2011I love the bright happy colors of the peacock and have been working this pattern in pottery. First on a smaller ornament, then the tile below and then on this awesome pot that Dean threw – I love how it turned out! Available here in our Etsy shop:

Gorgeous, no?

This one is also available here in our Etsy shop:

Central Texas Pottery Art Plate
Sunday, June 26th, 2011Mexican Hat Wildflower Pottery Bowl and Vase
Friday, June 24th, 2011More of my ongoing obsession with Mexican Hat wildflowers – Dean threw these beautiful vessels on the wheel and I provided the embellishment. These are available here in our Etsy shop.
Loving how this black looks with the bright yellow and green of the lemon and limes!

Pottery Art Tile Ornaments
Tuesday, May 31st, 2011Making these art tile ornaments is my new way of testing our patterns for larger pieces that Dean throws on the wheel. These ornaments take a surprising amount of time to glaze but are worth every minute.
For sale here at WolfArtGlass:

For sale here at WolfArtGlass:

For sale here at WolfArtGlass:

Yellow Rumped Warbler Pottery Art Bird Sculpture
Friday, May 13th, 2011These are the coolest little birds! The last time I went to the Mitchell Lake Audubon center, I saw tons of them flitting around us. I highly recommend a visit the next time you are in the San Antonio area on the weekend. Well worth the time to support a wonderful wildlife habitat.
This guy is available here in our Etsy shop:

Black Crested Titmouse Pottery Bird Art Sculpture
Friday, May 13th, 2011Here is the latest pretty bird to join the flock – a Black Crested Titmouse! We get this variant down here in Austin, TX. I see them each and every day at my feeders and never get tired of their antics.
This little guy is available in our Etsy shop:

I always refer to this odd little wire bird house as the “Blair-Witch house” – it reminds me of those weird little totems made of sticks hanging in the trees in the movie. He looks quite comfortable here.

Water Lilies and Snowdrops – Needlepoint and Pottery
Friday, May 13th, 2011I have been working several flower designs in needlepoint and pottery. There is some kind of wonderful fascination in working the same design over and over again, especially in different mediums.

This tile is available in our Etsy shop – here:

Snowdrops is a design inspired by a recent request by a local gal who is interested in my artwork as a tattoo. I am so honored that someone would want to adorn their body with my artwork, can’t wait to see what her tattoo artists comes up with!

This tile is available in our Etsy shop – here:

Carolina Wren Nest Spring 2011 and Pottery Bird Sculpture
Thursday, April 7th, 2011Every year a pair of Carolina Wrens nest on our patio. Over the course of several days and many scouting missions, they pick just the perfect spot, which this year is in our fox fern pot. The opening is only about 2 inches across and she has 6 speckled eggs in there!
Note this seasons choice of building materials, copious amounts of Live Oak pollen and a long blue bit of my yarn, cast off from some crochet or needlepoint endeavor.

Of course, I had to make a wren to honor the day, here she is just after being hand-formed. I need her to dry up before I start to carve her down and inscribe all the little feather details. Maybe tomorrow?

This is the first wren I made – so cute!

Ode to the Mexican Hat Wildflower
Sunday, April 3rd, 2011Lately I have been working the Mexican Hat wildflower motif in clay and when I started looking back through photos for this post, I realized that I have been making Mexican Hats in some form or another for years now. Each year these amazing flowers bloom here at the house and they have apparently been more of an inspiration to my art than I had ever realized!

I have been drawing them…

I have been crocheting them…

Art Nouveau Water Lily Needlepoint and Pottery
Monday, March 21st, 2011Pottery Eggs, New Birds and Mushroom Mouse!
Tuesday, March 15th, 2011New Mexican Hat Wildflower Pottery eggs and Mushroom Mouse – in progress
Sunday, March 13th, 2011New pottery songbirds – in progess Yellow Rumped Warbler and Black Capped Chickadees
Sunday, March 13th, 2011American Goldfinch Pottery Sculpture Bird – SOLD on Etsy
Sunday, March 13th, 2011#4 in my Pottery Song Bird series – here is the American Goldfinch – sold on WolfArtGlass on Etsy
He has his own recycled bottle pressed glass stand and can be easily removed or repositioned.

Baltimore Oriole Pottery Song Bird For Sale on Etsy!
Friday, February 25th, 2011#3 in my Pottery Song Bird series – here is the Baltimore Oriole – for sale at WolfArtGlass on Etsy!
He comes with his own recycled bottle pressed glass stand and can be easily removed or repositioned.

New Pottery Songbirds – Carolina Wren, Baltimore Oriole and American Goldfinch
Wednesday, February 23rd, 2011Tufted Titmouse Pottery Song Bird Sold on Etsy!
Saturday, February 19th, 2011#2 in my Pottery Song Bird Series – here is the Tufted Titmouse! He sold on Etsy within 24 hours of listing!