Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category


Monday, May 5th, 2008

Carrier – If you have not seen this, hopefully you will have a chance or watch them online. KLRU our local PBS station recently ran this 10 hour series about life in the navy. It was very well done and worth watching every minute to get an understanding of the sacrifices these people are making for us.

Support PBS!

Vaca – day 3

Sunday, March 2nd, 2008

Okay, I am going to have a slow start on day 3. Dean and I went to the Marilyn Manson concert last night at the Austin Music Hall…I gotta tell you I am getting too old for this stuff.

waiting for Marilyn Manson

golden ticket

The opening band went on late and they were flat out the most boring opening act I have ever experienced – they are The Ours and frankly I expected more from a band opening for Marilyn. It is a bad sign when you can hear the crowd talking over the lead singer. Then Marilyn did not come on until just after 10p (we had already been there for over 2 hours), but he put on a hell of a show and was every bit the showman that I had expected. We lasted a couple songs up in the crush of bodies in the middle of the crowd until my foot got stomped on repeatedly as the mosh pit of beefy plug-shaped dudes with baseball hats on backwards (yeah these are the same guys I remember from college who were the ones that would always get into fights at parties – good to see that things have not changed) slammed themselves together closer and closer. Needless to say, we bailed to the back of the crowd where lo and behold – we could see even better and it was not so loud.

Good show Marilyn – you are 2 years older than I am but make me feel ancient. Now for some yoga to stretch out my aching back and calves…


Thursday, January 11th, 2007

Trust no one who attempts to influence by using fear.