Posts Tagged ‘Etsy’
Krokbragd Weaving and Ceramic Poppies
Wednesday, August 19th, 2015Our summer has been quite dry and all of our native grasses have turned into shades of gold, rust and cream with hints of their former green. My krokbragd weaving, summer corn and seafoam ceramic poppies capture what our Texas summer looks like!
You can purchase the ceramic poppies for a wall art collection in our Etsy shop here:Wolf Art Glass on Etsy.

Wolf Art Glass Blown Glass Suncatcher Ornaments in Texas Winter lighting
Sunday, February 10th, 2013We are finally having some wonderful overcast Texas winter days and the lighting is amazing. A perfect weekend to take some beauty shots of our blown glass ornaments!
All of these beauties are available for purchase at Wolf Art Glass on Etsy.

Rigid Heddle Weaving Pattern – Silver Birch Trees in Autumn
Saturday, May 12th, 2012I was weaving a blue and cream striped scarf the other day and I liked how the little horizontal blue weft lines crossed over the cream warp threads and it reminded me of lovely birch trees. So here is my first version of a silver birch tree scarf, this one in gorgeous fall colors. This pattern woven wider would make a great table runner and after watching PBS’s Craft in America Episode V111 last night all about threads, I may have to start cutting up my weaving to make into little art quilts.
The finished scarf is available in my Etsy shop here!

Pottery Pumpkin Patch Dishes
Saturday, September 3rd, 2011My new pottery Pumpkin Patch trinket dishes! They look great with antique silver serving sets and needlepoint:

And, with our new Keurig and 70’s pottery mug:

Pottery Bird Art Pendants
Wednesday, August 3rd, 2011My new pottery bird art pendants on Etsy! These are inspired by those funky 70’s articulated owl pendants that are once again all the rage. Will I make an owl pendant? Not sure, but I have a ton of other birds to make before I get there.
You can buy the Meadowlark here:

You can buy the Northern Flicker (Red-shafted) here:

And my favorite – you can buy the female Belted Kingfisher here:

Crochet Kitty Cat Collar Pattern now available!
Saturday, July 23rd, 2011My pattern for these adorable crochet kitty cat collars is available on Etsy here. The hardware for the collars is also available.
I do also sell the finished collars on Etsy here.
These are so fun to make, the Omega nylon comes in 90 different colors, so you can make a collar for every occasion!

New Black Nylon Crochet Purse with Lime Green Lining
Thursday, July 7th, 2011It has been almost 3 years since I made my first crochet purse out of this great nylon, first mentioned in my blog post here.
I have finally recreated this purse and created a pattern as well that I have for sale. I am thrilled with this little purse, perfect for those grab and go days. I am not one for large purses, just ones that have room enough for the essentials, wallet, phone and keys. This design has a deceptively large amount of space inside due to the gusseted sides.
Purchase this crochet purse pattern here!

Pottery and Crochet Lace Necklaces
Wednesday, July 6th, 2011I am enjoying pairing my love of crochet with pottery with these new pottery art crochet lace necklaces!
Available here in our Etsy shop:

Mexican Hat Wildflower Pottery Bowl and Vase
Friday, June 24th, 2011More of my ongoing obsession with Mexican Hat wildflowers – Dean threw these beautiful vessels on the wheel and I provided the embellishment. These are available here in our Etsy shop.
Loving how this black looks with the bright yellow and green of the lemon and limes!

Needlepoint Star Heirloom Wedding Sampler and Pincushion
Friday, June 17th, 2011I had an itch to make another needlepoint pincushion. I was sitting looking at the wedding sampler I made for Dean and I (our 8th wedding anniversary is coming up in July-yahoo!) and the corner star motif jumped out at me as the perfect top for a wide flat pincushion. Here is the sampler – I am also making this sampler available in my Etsy shop for the first time made to order:

This sampler still makes me happy just to look at:

Here is the pincushion – available here in my Etsy shop:

The patterns I used in both projects are from this amazing book of charted patterns from my favorite publisher Dover Needlework:
Charted Peasant Designs from Saxon Transylvania
Whenever I need a boost, I pull out this book and drool over all of the amazing patterns from days of old when this type of needlework was done to spice up otherwise plain homemade clothing and home decor. Simply breathtaking!
Pottery Art Tile Ornaments
Tuesday, May 31st, 2011Making these art tile ornaments is my new way of testing our patterns for larger pieces that Dean throws on the wheel. These ornaments take a surprising amount of time to glaze but are worth every minute.
For sale here at WolfArtGlass:

For sale here at WolfArtGlass:

For sale here at WolfArtGlass:

Yellow Rumped Warbler Pottery Art Bird Sculpture
Friday, May 13th, 2011These are the coolest little birds! The last time I went to the Mitchell Lake Audubon center, I saw tons of them flitting around us. I highly recommend a visit the next time you are in the San Antonio area on the weekend. Well worth the time to support a wonderful wildlife habitat.
This guy is available here in our Etsy shop:

Black Crested Titmouse Pottery Bird Art Sculpture
Friday, May 13th, 2011Here is the latest pretty bird to join the flock – a Black Crested Titmouse! We get this variant down here in Austin, TX. I see them each and every day at my feeders and never get tired of their antics.
This little guy is available in our Etsy shop:

I always refer to this odd little wire bird house as the “Blair-Witch house” – it reminds me of those weird little totems made of sticks hanging in the trees in the movie. He looks quite comfortable here.

New Mexican Hat Wildflower Pottery eggs and Mushroom Mouse – in progress
Sunday, March 13th, 2011New pottery songbirds – in progess Yellow Rumped Warbler and Black Capped Chickadees
Sunday, March 13th, 2011American Goldfinch Pottery Sculpture Bird – SOLD on Etsy
Sunday, March 13th, 2011#4 in my Pottery Song Bird series – here is the American Goldfinch – sold on WolfArtGlass on Etsy
He has his own recycled bottle pressed glass stand and can be easily removed or repositioned.

Tufted Titmouse Pottery Song Bird Sold on Etsy!
Saturday, February 19th, 2011#2 in my Pottery Song Bird Series – here is the Tufted Titmouse! He sold on Etsy within 24 hours of listing!