Tufted Titmouse Pottery Song Bird Sold on Etsy!
Saturday, February 19th, 2011#2 in my Pottery Song Bird Series – here is the Tufted Titmouse! He sold on Etsy within 24 hours of listing!

#2 in my Pottery Song Bird Series – here is the Tufted Titmouse! He sold on Etsy within 24 hours of listing!
#1 in my Pottery Song Bird Series – here is the Black Capped Chickadee! He sold on Etsy within 24 hours of listing!
I have been an avid birder for a long time and love looking up into the trees and matching the silhouettes of birds to the vast number of templates in my head that I have been filing away over the years. I am now translating that storehouse of knowledge into creating hand formed and incised earthenware birds. These are my first three and they are pretty close to the actual size of the Black-Capped Chickadee, Black-Crested Titmouse and Carolina Wren. These are little birds that I see visiting my feeders every day and a pair of Carolina Wrens are wintering in our bougainvillea hanging basket that we have in our back patio hot house. Every night they sneak in and camp out up there in the warmth.
These birds need to be bisque fired and then glazed. I am going to attempt to glaze them in as realistic colors as possible and am anxiously awaiting enough of our pottery to bone dry so we can fill the kiln for the bisque. Soon!!
First in my series of art nouveau incised earthenware pottery bowls. This is a crocus pattern that was inspired by a pressed glass bowl that I found at Goodwill for 59 cents. Dean threw the earthenware bowl and I incised. We need to bisque fire and then glaze, I am thinking a celadon green for the outside and ivory in the inside. Nice subtle colors that will bring out the details nicely.
I have been working the past month or so on a bunch of new merino wool crochet scarves – I am really happy how they are turning out!
The patterns for the blue and red scarves are from this awesome crochet pattern book The Complete Book of Crochet Stitch Design, a must have for any level of crocheter. The blue scarf pattern is on page 152 pattern #190 and the red scarf pattern is on page 219 pattern # 290.
The pattern for the brown scarf is from the equally awesome book 220 more Crochet Stitches. Also a must have for your crochet reference library. This pattern is on page 35 pattern #I.71.
About 4 years ago in 2008 I first made this cute little crochet Easter bonnet. I was messing around making hats and made this one without writing my pattern down. I also used a pansy flower design that was not my own. So, fast forward to 2012 and I finally have created the pattern using my original pansy flower design!
As you can see from the comments on this post, I am WAY overdue!
You can purchase this pattern several places:
On Ravelry:
On Etsy:
On Craftsy:
Here are pictures of my new design:
Here are the pictures of my original prototype, the hat is the exact same one as above except this hat below does not have my original pansy:
I have completed the pattern for this awesome purse! I am working it up in black and slate gray and they looks amazing. Here is the post of the black purse.
Purchase this crochet purse pattern here!
Would you like to know how I inserted the zipper and lining into this purse? Here is a tutorial on how to do this!
Started this Friday and finished Saturday, crocheted with Dark Olive Hilos La Espiga nylon no.18. I took my favorite leather purse and created a template for me to crochet.