Posts Tagged ‘carrie wolf’
Weaving Rep Swedish Ripsmatta January 2016
Sunday, January 3rd, 2016Wolf Art Glass – new Demin Blue Glass Poppy Wall Art colors!
Saturday, March 21st, 2015All of our in-stock & ready to ship wall art is available in our Etsy shop here:
We use professional hanging hardware for all our wall pieces. Please take a look at this page for details:
We can also craft additional and custom pieces for you.

Vlad’s Rosebud Goblet by WolfArtGlass
Friday, May 2nd, 2014

Buy them here in our Etsy shop!
Wolf Art Glass Blown Glass Suncatcher Ornaments in Texas Winter lighting
Sunday, February 10th, 2013We are finally having some wonderful overcast Texas winter days and the lighting is amazing. A perfect weekend to take some beauty shots of our blown glass ornaments!
All of these beauties are available for purchase at Wolf Art Glass on Etsy.

Handwoven Scarves – Rigid Heddle Weaving
Sunday, July 22nd, 2012Rigid Heddle Weaving Pattern – Silver Birch Trees in Autumn
Saturday, May 12th, 2012I was weaving a blue and cream striped scarf the other day and I liked how the little horizontal blue weft lines crossed over the cream warp threads and it reminded me of lovely birch trees. So here is my first version of a silver birch tree scarf, this one in gorgeous fall colors. This pattern woven wider would make a great table runner and after watching PBS’s Craft in America Episode V111 last night all about threads, I may have to start cutting up my weaving to make into little art quilts.
The finished scarf is available in my Etsy shop here!

Rigid Heddle Weaving – Yellow and White Gingham
Friday, April 27th, 2012As usual I am testing the limits of my threads to see how fine of a weave I can achieve on my 12 dent heddle. I wish they made finer heddles for rigid heddle looms, at least a 14 dent. I should have doubled up the warp threads on this one, you can see little spaces between the warp and weft and the weft likes to slide a bit since the weave is not balanced. Nevertheless, a good test of what I can get away with!

Rigid Heddle Weaving – Coral Pink and White Plaid Scarf
Sunday, April 22nd, 2012Rigid Heddle Weaving Pattern – Houndstooth Check
Saturday, April 14th, 2012I am loving weaving on my Kromski Harp rigid heddle loom. This is a variant of a houndstooth pattern worked in Valley Yarns 8/2 tencel and 10/2 bamboo, one strand each (2 total) for the warp and weft on a 12 dent heddle.

It is a simple pattern, black in the first 2 slots and holes, green in the next two slots and holes for the warp, then 4 throws of black, then 4 throws green.

I am using one strand of black of both the Valley Yarn 8/2 tencel and 10/2 bamboo and one strand of Lemongrass 10/2 bamboo and one strand Olive 8/2 tencel. Using the two different shades of green gives it a nice depth.

Crochet Kindle Fire Cover Pattern
Monday, February 20th, 2012My latest crochet pattern! I love my kindle fire and needed a soft and squishy cover to protect it when I am not using it. I chose to create a cable pattern since the cabling adds an extra layer of padding as compared to normal flat crochet or knit.

You can purchase the pattern in many places:
On Ravelry:
On Etsy:

If you like crochet cables, I highly recommend this book of patterns, very affordable and tons of patterns to learn:
Pansy Bridal Bridesmaid Necklace
Tuesday, February 14th, 2012
For all of you Spring brides! Available in my Etsy shop here.
Crochet Pansy Easter Bonnet PDF Pattern now available
Monday, February 13th, 2012
I first made this cute little crochet Easter bonnet about 4 years ago. I was messing around making hats and made this one without writing my pattern down. I also used a pansy flower design that was not my own. So, fast forward to 2012 and I finally have created the pattern using my original pansy flower design!
You can purchase this pattern several places:
On Ravelry:
On Etsy:

One Red Bird
Monday, January 30th, 2012Interlocking Crochet Colorways
Saturday, January 28th, 2012The interlocking crochet technique opens up a huge range of possibilities. The double-sided patterns are such a bonus, especially when working on blankets and scarves.
Here is a colorway that I have used in a baby blanket for our little friend Sebastian. This is a sample of the same colorway but with a different pattern.

This book has a great set of patterns and teaches the basics of interlocking crochet.
Interlocking crochet is pretty basic once you get the hang of it. You create 2 separate rows of double crochet filet, then each row is worked with a separate color through the mesh of the other color. Now, when I first bought this book, I actually threw it across the room because I could not figure out the stitches. I HIGHLY recommend that you watch these tutorials by the author before you start.
This pattern has a different patterned opposite side, some have the same pattern with just the main dominant color reversed.

Much more to come!
New Pottery Bowls
Friday, October 21st, 2011Pottery Pumpkin Patch Dishes
Saturday, September 3rd, 2011My new pottery Pumpkin Patch trinket dishes! They look great with antique silver serving sets and needlepoint:

And, with our new Keurig and 70’s pottery mug:

Pottery Bird Art Pendants
Wednesday, August 3rd, 2011My new pottery bird art pendants on Etsy! These are inspired by those funky 70’s articulated owl pendants that are once again all the rage. Will I make an owl pendant? Not sure, but I have a ton of other birds to make before I get there.
You can buy the Meadowlark here:

You can buy the Northern Flicker (Red-shafted) here:

And my favorite – you can buy the female Belted Kingfisher here:

Crochet Kitty Cat Collar Pattern now available!
Saturday, July 23rd, 2011My pattern for these adorable crochet kitty cat collars is available on Etsy here. The hardware for the collars is also available.
I do also sell the finished collars on Etsy here.
These are so fun to make, the Omega nylon comes in 90 different colors, so you can make a collar for every occasion!

Our new online art glass ornament shop – GlassOrnaments.US is now open!
Thursday, July 14th, 2011
We are having a super hot summer this year in Austin, TX but that has not stopped us from blowing new and beautiful art glass ornaments! We are working hard to increase the intensity and depth of the color combinations of our ornament suncatchers. All of the below ornaments and many more can be purchased on our new site devoted entirely to our art glass ornaments. Enjoy this Christmas in July treat!

Check back throughout the year as we continue to add more beautiful ornaments!!