Has begun! I can’t tell you how excited I am to give the ol’ work-a-day world NO THOUGHT over the next 4 days and just indulge in craftiness and relaxation. I will be drinking alot of this…if you have not tried it yet, I highly suggest that you do.

I will also be spending some time on the patio with Theo bugs, (he has just spent the last couple minutes running laps around the house for his morning exercise, I wish I was that disciplined)

I definitely need to clean up and make my office space more inspiring. We just moved the single bed out of here so I can set up my studio/office space properly rather than be crammed into this corner. And no, it does not always look like this...

I am going to spend some time here on my favorite mod couch...

Working on a cute little purse for Gram's B-day on the 24th (better get crackin'!)

Hopefully getting inspired to create more of these...

Which creates wonderful nesting material like this...(hoping to lure the Bewick's Wrens back again this year). The Titmice, Carolina Wrens and the Chickadees were all up on the patio yesterday looking for nesting materials, the Titmice especially liked the cowhide rug and were tugging at it trying to get some cow hairs to line their nests.

And while sipping my coffee, there is nothing better than watching the birds. Ahhhhh...bliss.