Archive for the ‘Needlepoint’ Category
Needlepoint Star Heirloom Wedding Sampler and Pincushion
Friday, June 17th, 2011I had an itch to make another needlepoint pincushion. I was sitting looking at the wedding sampler I made for Dean and I (our 8th wedding anniversary is coming up in July-yahoo!) and the corner star motif jumped out at me as the perfect top for a wide flat pincushion. Here is the sampler – I am also making this sampler available in my Etsy shop for the first time made to order:

This sampler still makes me happy just to look at:

Here is the pincushion – available here in my Etsy shop:

The patterns I used in both projects are from this amazing book of charted patterns from my favorite publisher Dover Needlework:
Charted Peasant Designs from Saxon Transylvania
Whenever I need a boost, I pull out this book and drool over all of the amazing patterns from days of old when this type of needlework was done to spice up otherwise plain homemade clothing and home decor. Simply breathtaking!
Water Lilies and Snowdrops – Needlepoint and Pottery
Friday, May 13th, 2011I have been working several flower designs in needlepoint and pottery. There is some kind of wonderful fascination in working the same design over and over again, especially in different mediums.

This tile is available in our Etsy shop – here:

Snowdrops is a design inspired by a recent request by a local gal who is interested in my artwork as a tattoo. I am so honored that someone would want to adorn their body with my artwork, can’t wait to see what her tattoo artists comes up with!

This tile is available in our Etsy shop – here:

Art Nouveau Water Lily Needlepoint and Pottery
Monday, March 21st, 2011Some pictures from around the house this week
Wednesday, September 22nd, 2010Mixed Media Fiber Art – Crochet, needlepoint, colored pencil wildflower
Sunday, May 16th, 2010Steampunk Stocking – finished stitching
Sunday, March 28th, 2010Magus the Owl Needlepoint – in progress
Sunday, March 28th, 2010more WolfArtGlass and ModernNeedlepoint convergence
Sunday, December 20th, 2009Steampunk Needlepoint and Bargello Designs
Friday, August 7th, 2009Etsy Front Page
Friday, July 17th, 2009A treasury that included my Moroccan needlepoint cuff made the front page overnight!
Weaving Draft Needlepoint Purse
Saturday, January 10th, 2009favorite blue
Wednesday, December 10th, 2008Craft Show
Friday, November 7th, 2008Needlepoint Cuffs
Sunday, October 12th, 2008New needlepoint cuff design
Sunday, October 5th, 2008This is my latest needlepoint cuff bracelet design, my iron fritzed out on me yesterday so I have been delayed on the finishing part. I hated that iron any way, so next week when I get back from LA I will start foraging for a new one.
The colors for this design were inspired by a custom order I am finishing for one of my Etsy customers – I love custom orders because they inspire me to get out of my comfort zone and tap into new ideas! So, keep them coming folks.
This would look incredible as a pillow…maybe when work settles back down I will go for it.